Stop Chasing Clients, Let Them Find You: The Marketing Power of a Brand Story

September 2, 2024
By Hanna-Mari Kirs
A watercolour image of a female entrepreneur making notes on a notepad while her laptop is open on the table in front of her.

When you’re deep in the trenches of running your company, the question you can often lose sight of is: do my customers even hear me above all the noise in the marketplace?

This is where the power of a consistent story comes into play.

Your brand story isn’t just words on a page; it’s the heartbeat of your business, the compass that keeps you on course. 

It’s the secret (or not-so-secret) tool that can help you transform ordinary customers into passionate fans. When you know your story, marketing becomes an art, not a chore.

As a brand storyteller for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, I’ve witnessed firsthand how a compelling narrative can turn a fledgling business into a beloved brand.

Let’s dive in and explore why your brand story isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s essential for business success, and how to create one!

In this article, I’ll dive into:

What is a Brand Story, Anyway?

In any competitive market, standing out requires more than just a great product or service—it demands a compelling brand story that resonates deeply with your audience. 

A brand story, therefore, is the overarching narrative that defines your company’s purpose, values and unique selling proposition. Its job is to resonate with your ideal customers on an emotional level and make them see that more is possible for them.

Stories are so deeply ingrained into our DNAs, that they serve as a beacon in the noise. They provide a framework for our minds to make sense of information.

That’s how it’s been for thousands of years as our ancestors passed on their knowledge to us. They used stories to take us on emotional journeys, move something inside us on a deeper level and so ensure that we remembered their teachings long after they were gone.

Successful brand storytelling, therefore, provides a structure that not only elicits an emotional response from your target customer but also helps them remember your brand.

It’s not just about what you sell; it’s about whom you’re for, why you exist and how you can make a difference.

A compelling story forges a genuine connection with real people, turning casual customers into devoted supporters.

When people see themselves in your story, they’re not just buying a product; they’re investing in a cause that reflects their beliefs.

This, in turn, makes your customer interactions from then on this much more meaningful.

If You Want to Change Your Customers’ Lives, Start by Changing Their Story

A powerful brand story is more than just compelling; it’s transformative. 

One of my favourite quotes that illustrates this beautifully is this one by Seth Godin:

“People don’t believe what you tell them.
They rarely believe what you show them.
They sometimes believe what their friends tell them.
They always believe what they tell themselves.”

That’s why a strong brand story helps your customers change their minds

Before focusing on what you need your customers to know or the changes you think they should make in their lives, you can address their beliefs. 

Do that and you’ve got their attention.

What is it that you wish they would believe about themselves? 

What’s the story that, if your target customer told themselves instead of the broken, negative tale they’re telling themselves now, their lives would improve? 

This is the foundation of your brand story. 

Skillful brand storytelling has the potential to captivate your audience and forge an emotional bond that goes beyond traditional marketing. 

When crafted effectively, your story makes your marketing activities seamless and consistent.

It will become an essential element not just behind your brand’s presence, content marketing strategy, marketing campaigns, sales efforts and, indeed, your whole business strategy, but more importantly, in the transformation of your clients’ lives. 

A meaningful story invites your potential customers to become part of something larger than a mere transaction—it makes them part of the journey.

This deep connection turns them into fervent advocates drawn to your brand, and not just for what you offer, but for the values and vision you represent. 

When people believe in your story–their new story–, they don’t just make a purchase, they become passionate champions of your brand.

The Foundations of Crafting Your Brand Story

So, how do you craft this compelling narrative?

It starts with the foundational principle that your customer is the hero and you are the guide.

Traditional marketing teaches us that we should hype up our businesses in our branding and messaging–make our businesses look big, experienced and important to evoke trust in our customers.

In other words, we tend to make our business the hero of the story.

This often means that we tend to lead with something like: “I’m an ICF-certified life coach with over 10 years of experience in bringing life-altering results for my clients. See my client testimonials…”.

This, however, is not a brand story. It’s an origin story. It’s your story, not your customer’s. It elevates you and not them.

And more than anything, it goes against what we know about human needs from evolutionary research.

Our brains are wired to look for the answers to our problems in the business narratives we encounter.

We do this pretty much on autopilot every single day, weighing between countless marketing messages.

Does it help me? Will it make my life better? If I buy this, will I be better accepted by others and therefore ensure my safe place in the tribe?

Brand storytelling expert Donald Miller calls it the need to “survive and thrive”.

Now, in a traditional my-brand-is-the-hero-narrative, your customer has nothing to gain from your brand story.

They’ll think: “Ah, here’s another hero, like me! But what I need is someone to help me with my problems.”

So they will simply close the tab, swipe on, pass your email and go look for someone else to help them with their problems.

That’s just the nature of the human experience.

And, needless to say, this is no way to build customer loyalty.

Now, does that mean that you can never talk about your business and how you got started?

Not quite. Your origin story has a place in the story framework as well and I’ll show you exactly where below.

Let’s create a meaningful story for your brand.

The Story Structure

To bring your story to life, Donald Miller proposes this story framework:

A hero has a problem and meets a guide who gives them a plan and calls them to action that helps them avoid failure and ends in success.

And I must say that having used it for years, and having built my special twists into the framework, I must say that it works beautifully.

Ok, so let’s break it down.

A hero – that’s your customer. The more you know about your customer, and their real story, the better. This is where your customer persona development comes in.

Has a problem – this is the problem they have that you can help with. How well you know your customer’s problems and how perfectly your solution fits their needs is a key element in your business growth as well, not just your storytelling efforts.

And meets a guide – that’s you! See how you’re only in position number three? Now you can feel free to talk about your personal experiences, your certifications and your accolades. However, this is also where you can show your customers empathy. It’s the: I’ve been there, so I know what it feels like part.

Who gives them a plan – this is where you outline the journey you will take your hero on so they’ll start to believe their transformation is possible. How will they get from where they are now to where they want to go? Here you can outline a 3-5-step process to outline your coaching process, your therapy roadmap or, if you sell physical goods, your ordering and delivery process.

And calls them to action – once you’ve outlined the plan, your customers need to be able to clearly understand how they can work with you. Whether it’s a Book a Call, Order Now, Apply Here or something else, don’t be afraid to show them what the next logical step is.

That helps them avoid failure – since you know your customers so well (and if you don’t, you should check out this post), you know exactly what keeps them up at night. Reiterating it at this point in the story is helpful because it reminds them what’s at stake. However, I suggest you don’t fear-monger. Just a “what you stand to lose” nudge is my style, anyway.

And ends in success – again, since you know your customers’ goals and aspirations, this is an opportunity to show them what their life could look like if they decided to engage with your business.

These are the core elements of a powerful brand story that will not only help you

This is such a powerful brand storytelling technique that I’ve used this for years with my clients, my own brands, and at companies I’ve worked at, and the results have been amazing.

I once helped an ADHD coach that I helped build a narrative and a website for using this framework. She has never run any ads to her website, nor does she have any sort of social presence, and yet it converts a few clients every month purely on organic traffic.

On outlier? Perhaps. Maybe she was at the right place at the right time with the right offering. But then, you always need to be at the right place, at the right time, and with the right offering. Her success came from this framework working, as my other clients will happily tell you as well.

How Do You Use This Framework?

This story structure is just one of many out there, but I love it because it truly puts your customer first.

Not only will it help you craft a compelling brand story but, once created, your brand story will always keep you on track, whether you’re writing content for your blog, social media posts, building a website, dreaming up courses, service packages or anything else.

It helps you choose the right tone for your business messaging that would resonate with your hero the most.

It helps you think through exactly how you can take your customers from where they are now, to where they want to go and how to visualise their new future so they’ll be excited to go on the journey with you.

It just has more empathy written into it and if you ask me, and science, companies ranking higher in empathy are more successful.

If you need help crafting your unique and compelling brand story that sounds exactly like you, I’m just a call away.

Hey, I’m Hanna-Mari

I’m a Brand Story Strategist & Coach, saving the world by helping empathic, purposeful and ethical entrepreneurs succeed in this era of sleazy marketing.

I use my 10+ years of experience in product management, marketing and sales in early-stage startups to help purposeful entrepreneurs craft brand messaging that works.

Would you like to work with me? Let’s!

Hey, I’m Hanna-Mari

I’m a Brand Story Strategist & Coach, saving the world by helping empathic, purposeful and ethical entrepreneurs succeed in this era of sleazy marketing.

I use my 10+ years of experience in product management, marketing and sales in early-stage startups to help purposeful entrepreneurs craft brand messaging that works.

Would you like to work with me? Let’s!


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